Deposition of air pollutants around the North Sea and the North-East Atlantic in 2014
Executive summary
This report presents the results of monitoring undertaken by OSPAR Contracting Parties for the Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme (CAMP) during 2014. Under the CAMP, OSPAR Contracting Parties are committed to the mandatory monitoring of the concentrations of a range of metals, organic compounds and nutrients in precipitation and air. The CAMP also encourages OSPAR Contracting Parties to monitor, on a voluntary basis, additional compounds (such as certain persistent organic pollutants). The report gives detailed information on observed atmospheric inputs of selected contaminants to the OSPAR maritime area and its regions during 2014.

Table 2.1 and Figure 2.1: Monitoring sites reporting, reduced and oxidised nitrogen compounds, heavy metals (HM), mercury and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) to CAMP in 2014.