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Levels and trends in marine contaminants and their biological effects – CEMP Assessment report 2016

The full assessment is available online at: and through the interactive map below.

The 2016-17 MIME roll-over assessed 8222 time series (of three years or more) in biota, of which 5743 were assessed for trends and 7227 for status, and 4877 time series in sediment, of which 3225 were assessed for temporal trends and 4017 for status. A breakdown of trends and status by OSPAR Region and determinand is given in Tables 1-4. Interpretation of these results can be found in the common indicator assessments of OSPAR’s Intermediate Assessment 2017, which are based on this assessment (

Data for the biological effects %DNATAIL (% DNA in tail), NRR (neutral red retention time), MNC (micronuclei) and LP (lysosomal labilisation period) were included in the assessment for the first time.

The assessment methodology is described in the help files that accompany the assessment.

Full Report