Levels and trends in marine contaminants and their biological effects - CEMP Assessment report 2018
This report summarises the 2018-19 annual CEMP assessment of levels and trends of contaminants and their biological effects. The full assessment is available online at: http://ices.dk/data/assessment-tools/Pages/ospar-cat-app.aspx and through the interactive map below.
There were 7909 time series (of three years or more) in biota, of which 5401 were assessed for trends and 7518 for status; 4507 time series in sediment, of which 3253 were assessed for trends and 4022 for status; and 124 time series in water, of which 76 were assessed for trends and 124 for status.
The report tabulates the number of upward and downward trends by contaminant and OSPAR region. It also tabulates the number of time series with levels below the Background Assessment Concentration or below the Environmental Assessment Criteria (or equivalent).