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BB20 - Area of Habitat Loss (BH4)

FieldDescriptionValidated Entry
[Table title]Name of monitoring programmeArea of Habitat Loss (BH4)
[ProgrammeDescription]Description of the monitoring programme

The indicator aims to estimate the extent and proportion of benthic habitat types that is lost due to human activities. Habitat loss may be caused by placement of offshore structures like foundations of wind turbines or by disposal of sediments onto the seafloor (sealed loss). Physical disturbance with a very high intensity may also alter the habitat type and therefore lead to a loss of habitat area (unsealed loss).
The indicator currently consists of three separate assessments: (1) An assessment of sealed loss by offshore structures, (2) a risk assessment of unsealed loss by bottom trawling and (3) a general assessment of risk factors for aggregate extraction.

[OtherPoliciesConventions]Monitoring for other Union legislation or international agreements that contributes to the programme.


(Also links with International committemnets under Convention of Biodological Diversity GBF 203 targets 4 and 14)

[Contracting Parties monitoring]

Which other countries are involved in practical implementation of this monitoring programme, and what is the degree of cooperation.


Coordinated data collection (delivered separately by each country)

[Contracting Parties supplying data]  
[Contracting Parties with an "opt out"]  
[Temporal scope]Start (and end) date of the programme.2024-9999
[Spatial scope]Spatial coverage of the programme according to the jurisdictional zones of marine waters.

Territorial waters
EEZ (or similar, e.g. Contiguous Zone, Fishing Zone, Ecological Protection Zone)

[MarineReportingUnit]Area(s) where the programme takes place.


[Monitoring Purpose]

Purpose of the programme aimed at collecting data and information.

Environmental state and impacts
Pressures in the marine environment

[MonitoringType]Type of monitoring (in-situ, remote sensing, etc.).

Other (monitoring already in place from different sources)

[Indicator Metric]Feature(s) monitored (ecosystem components, pressures, activities).


[Elements]Element(s) monitored (e.g. species, habitats, contaminants).

Circalittoral coarse sediment
Circalittoral mixed sediment
Circalittoral mud
Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef
Circalittoral sand
Infralittoral coarse sediment
Infralittoral mixed sediment
Infralittoral mud
Infralittoral rock and biogenic reef
Infralittoral sand
Offshore circalittoral coarse sediment
Offshore circalittoral mixed sediment
Offshore circalittoral mud
Offshore circalittoral rock and biogenic
Offshore circalittoral sand
Upper bathyal rock and biogenic reef
Upper bathyal sediment
Deep-sea sponge aggregations
Intertidal Mytilus edulis beds on mixed and sandy sediments
Littoral chalk communities
Lophelia pertusa reefs
Maerl beds
Modiolus modiolus horse mussel beds
Ostrea edulis beds
Sabellaria spinulosa reefs
Sea-pen and burrowing megafauna communities
Zostera beds

[Parameter Measured]Parameter(s) monitored.EXT
[Monitoring Guidelines/Monitoring Method in place]Guidelines/protocols describing the method for monitoring.OTH
[MonitoringMethodOther]Guidelines/protocols describing the method for monitoring.

The CEMP guideline is not published yet. The indicator method is a modelling approach. The assessment is based on pressure data on human activities that is reported regularly to OSPAR (e.g., inventory of offshore installations, offshore renewable energy developments), from specific OSPAR data calls (e.g., on aggregate extraction) and from OSPAR requests to ICES (spatial data layers of fishing intensity). The pressure assessment is complemented by data from EMODnet on human activities. Habitat data is derived from EMODnet EUSeaMap and the distribution of OSPAR threatened and/or declining habitats.

[Quality Assurance Procedures in Place]In addition to a specified method, is there any additional Quality Assurance used? 
[Quality Control]What type of Quality Control is used?

QC procedures for the production of modelled maps
QC procedures by ICES on the compilation of VMS/logbook data

[Data submission Frequency (and deadline)]Frequency of the monitoring


[Applicable MSFD GES Criteria]Indicator(s) to which the programme contributes.


[Data Depository]Link to where monitoring data can be accessed (Art. 19(3)

[Data Custodian]  
[Assessment Guidelines]  
[Assessment tools available]  
[Nature of data]  
BB20 - Area of Habitat Loss (BH4)