European Commission enumeration tables
To migrate the CEMP appendices into an EC Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Article 11 compatible format, fields of information were converted and validated in line with the new EC guidance and enumeration tables.
Presented are the enumeration tables to provide easy access to the information.
Code | Label: Country name |
AT | Austria |
BE | Belgium |
BG | Bulgaria |
CY | Cyprus |
CZ | Czech Republic |
DE | Germany |
DK | Denmark |
DZ | Algeria |
EE | Estonia |
EG | Egypt |
EL | Greece |
ES | Spain |
FI | Finland |
FR | France |
GE | Georgia |
HR | Croatia |
HU | Hungary |
IE | Ireland |
IL | Israel |
IT | Italy |
IS | Iceland |
LB | Lebanon |
LT | Lithuania |
LU | Luxembourg |
LV | Latvia |
LY | Libya |
MA | Morocco |
MT | Malta |
NL | Netherlands |
NO | Norway |
PL | Poland |
PS | Palestine |
PT | Portugal |
RO | Romania |
RU | Russian Federation |
SE | Sweden |
SI | Slovenia |
SK | Slovakia |
SY | Syria |
TN | Tunisia |
TR | Turkey |
UA | Ukraine |
UK | United Kingdom |
GEScomponent | Code | Label: Descriptor or criterion |
Descriptor | D1 | D1 Biodiversity |
Descriptor | D1 | D1 Biodiversity - birds |
Descriptor | D1 | D1 Biodiversity - cephalopods |
Descriptor | D1 | D1 Biodiversity - fish |
Descriptor | D1 | D1 Biodiversity - mammals |
Descriptor | D1 | D1 Biodiversity - reptiles |
Descriptor | D1 | D1 Biodiversity – pelagic habitats |
Descriptor | D2 | D2 Non-indigenous species |
Descriptor | D3 | D3 Commercial fish and shellfish |
Descriptor | D4/D1 | D4 Food webs/D1 Biodiversity - ecosystems |
Descriptor | D5 | D5 Eutrophication |
Descriptor | D6/D1 | D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Biodiversity - benthic habitats |
Descriptor | D7 | D7 Hydrographical changes |
Descriptor | D8 | D8 Contaminants |
Descriptor | D9 | D9 Contaminants in seafood |
Descriptor | D10 | D10 Litter |
Descriptor | D11 | D11 Energy, including underwater noise |
Criterion | D1C1 | D1C1 Mortality rate from incidental by-catch |
Criterion | D1C2 | D1C2 Population abundance |
Criterion | D1C3 | D1C3 Population demographic characteristics |
Criterion | D1C4 | D1C4 Population distributional range and pattern |
Criterion | D1C5 | D1C5 Habitat for the species |
Criterion | D1C6 | D1C6 Pelagic habitat condition |
Criterion | D2C1 | D2C1 Newly-introduced NIS |
Criterion | D2C2 | D2C2 Established NIS |
Criterion | D2C3 | D2C3 Adverse effects of NIS |
Criterion | D3C1 | D3C1 Fishing mortality rate (F) |
Criterion | D3C2 | D3C2 Spawning stock biomass (SSB) |
Criterion | D3C3 | D3C3 Population age/size distribution |
Criterion | D4C1 | D4C1 Trophic guild species diversity |
Criterion | D4C2 | D4C2 Abundance across trophic guilds |
Criterion | D4C3 | D4C3 Trophic guild size distribution |
Criterion | D4C4 | D4C4 Trophic guild productivity |
Criterion | D5C1 | D5C1 Nutrient concentrations |
Criterion | D5C2 | D5C2 Chlorophyll-a concentration |
Criterion | D5C3 | D5C3 Harmful algal blooms |
Criterion | D5C4 | D5C4 Photic limit |
Criterion | D5C5 | D5C5 Dissolved oxygen concentration |
Criterion | D5C6 | D5C6 Opportunistic macroalgae of benthic habitats |
Criterion | D5C7 | D5C7 Macrophyte communities of benthic habitats |
Criterion | D5C8 | D5C8 Macrofaunal communities of benthic habitats |
Criterion | D6C1 | D6C1 Physical loss of the seabed |
Criterion | D6C2 | D6C2 Physical disturbance to the seabed |
Criterion | D6C3 | D6C3 Adverse effects from physical disturbance |
Criterion | D6C4 | D6C4 Benthic habitat extent |
Criterion | D6C5 | D6C5 Benthic habitat condition |
Criterion | D7C1 | D7C1 Alteration of hydrographical conditions |
Criterion | D7C2 | D7C2 Adverse effects from alteration of hydrographical conditions |
Criterion | D8C1 | D8C1 Contaminant in environment |
Criterion | D8C2 | D8C2 Adverse effects of contaminants |
Criterion | D8C3 | D8C3 Acute pollution events |
Criterion | D8C4 | D8C4 Adverse effects of acute pollution events |
Criterion | D9C1 | D9C1 Contaminants in seafood |
Criterion | D10C1 | D10C1 Litter (excluding micro-litter) |
Criterion | D10C2 | D10C2 Micro-litter |
Criterion | D10C3 | D10C3 Litter ingested |
Criterion | D10C4 | D10C4 Adverse effects of litter |
Criterion | D11C1 | D11C1 Anthropogenic impulsive sound |
Criterion | D11C2 | D11C2 Anthropogenic continuous low-frequency sound |
NotRelevant | GES component not relevant |
Subject (Annex III table) | Theme | Sub-theme | Label: Features and elements | Code |
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems (Table 1) | All marine ecosystem elements | EcosysElemAll | ||
Species | All marine species | SppAll | ||
Birds | All birds | BirdsAll | ||
Grazing birds | BirdsGrazing | |||
Wading birds | BirdsWading | |||
Surface-feeding birds | BirdsSurfaceFeeding | |||
Pelagic-feeding birds | BirdsPelagicFeeding | |||
Benthic-feeding birds | BirdsBenthicFeeding | |||
Mammals | All mammals | MamAll | ||
Small toothed cetaceans | MamCetacSmall | |||
Deep-diving toothed cetaceans | MamCetacDeepDiving | |||
Baleen whales | MamCetacBaleenWhales | |||
Seals | MamSeals | |||
Reptiles | Turtles | RepTurtles | ||
Fish | All fish | FishAll | ||
Coastal fish | FishCoastal | |||
Pelagic shelf fish | FishPelagicShelf | |||
Demersal shelf fish | FishDemersalShelf | |||
Deep-sea fish | FishDeepSea | |||
Commercially exploited fish and shellfish | FishCommercial | |||
Cephalopods | All cephalopods | CephaAll | ||
Coastal/shelf cephalopods | CephaCoastShelf | |||
Deep-sea cephalopods | CephaDeepSea | |||
Habitats | All habitats | HabAll | ||
Benthic habitats | Benthic habitats | HabBenAll | ||
Benthic broad habitats | HabBenBHT | |||
Littoral rock and biogenic reef | HabBenLitRock | |||
Littoral sediment | HabBenLitSed | |||
Infralittoral rock and biogenic reef | HabBenInfralitRock | |||
Infralittoral coarse sediment | HabBenInfralitCoarSed | |||
Infralittoral mixed sediment | HabBenInfralitMxdSed | |||
Infralittoral sand | HabBenInfralitSand | |||
Infralittoral mud | HabBenInfralitMud | |||
Circalittoral rock and biogenic reef | HabBenCircalitRock | |||
Circalittoral coarse sediment | HabBenCircalitCoarSed | |||
Circalittoral mixed sediment | HabBenCircalitMxdSed | |||
Circalittoral sand | HabBenCircalitSand | |||
Circalittoral mud | HabBenCircalitMud | |||
Offshore circalittoral rock and biogenic reef | HabBenOffshRock | |||
Offshore circalittoral coarse sediment | HabBenOffshCoarSed | |||
Offshore circalittoral mixed sediment | HabBenOffshMxdSed | |||
Offshore circalittoral sand | HabBenOffshSand | |||
Offshore circalittoral mud | HabBenOffshMud | |||
Upper bathyal rock and biogenic reef | HabBenBathyalUpRock | |||
Upper bathyal sediment | HabBenBathyalUpSed | |||
Lower bathyal rock and biogenic reef | HabBenBathyalLowRock | |||
Lower bathyal sediment | HabBenBathyalLowSed | |||
Abyssal | HabBenAbyssal | |||
Other benthic habitats | HabBenOther | |||
Pelagic habitats | Pelagic habitats | HabPelagAll | ||
Pelagic broad habitats | HabPelBHT | |||
Variable salinity | HabPelagVarSalinity | |||
Coastal | HabPelagCoastal | |||
Shelf | HabPelagShelf | |||
Oceanic/beyond shelf | HabPelagOcean | |||
Other pelagic habitats | HabPelagOther | |||
Other habitat types | HabOther | |||
Ecosystems, including food webs | Physical and hydrological characteristics | All physical and hydrological characteristics | PhyHydroCharacAll | |
Temperature | Temperature | |||
Ice | Ice | |||
Wave regime | Waves | |||
Current regime | Currents | |||
Upwelling | Upwelling | |||
Mixing | Mixing | |||
Residence time | ResidenceTime | |||
Freshwater input | FreshwaterInput | |||
Sea level | SeaLevel | |||
Bathymetry | Bathymetry | |||
Turbidity (silt/sediment loads) | Turbidity | |||
Transparency | Transparency | |||
Sound | Sound | |||
Seabed substrate and morphology | SubstrateMorphology | |||
Chemical characteristics | All chemical characteristics | ChemCharacAll | ||
Salinity | Salinity | |||
Nutrients (N, P) | Nutrients | |||
Organic carbon | OrganicCarbon | |||
Dissolved carbon dioxide (pCO2) | pCO2 | |||
Dissolved oxygen | Oxygen | |||
pH | pH | |||
Trophic guilds | All trophic guilds | TrophicGuildsAll | ||
Primary producers | TrophicGuildsPrimProd | |||
Secondary producers | TrophicGuildsSecProd | |||
Filter-feeders | TrophicGuildsFilFeed | |||
Deposit-feeders | TrophicGuildsDepFeed | |||
Planktivores | TrophicGuildsPlankt | |||
Sub-apex pelagic predators | TrophicGuildsPredSApexPel | |||
Sub-apex demersal predators | TrophicGuildsPredSApexDem | |||
Apex predators | TrophicGuildsPredApex | |||
Ecosystems | Ecosystem, including food webs | EcosystemFoodWeb | ||
Coastal ecosystem | EcosysCoastal | |||
Shelf ecosystem | EcosysShelf | |||
Oceanic/deep-sea ecosystem | EcosysOceanic | |||
Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment (Table 2a) | All pressures | PresAll | ||
Biological | All biological pressures | PresBioAll | ||
Input or spread of non-indigenous species | PresBioIntroNIS | |||
Input of microbial pathogens | PresBioIntroMicroPath | |||
Input of genetically modified species and translocation of native species | PresBioIntroGenModSpp | |||
Loss of, or change to, natural biological communities due to cultivation of animal or plant species | PresBioCultHab | |||
Disturbance of species (e.g. where they breed, rest and feed) due to human presence | PresBioDisturbSpp | |||
Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities) | PresBioExtractSpp | |||
Physical | Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities) | PresPhyAll | ||
Physical disturbance to seabed | PresPhyDisturbSeabed | |||
Physical loss of the seabed | PresPhyLoss | |||
Changes to hydrological conditions | PresPhyHydroCond | |||
Substances, litter and energy | All pressures related to inputs of substances, litter and energy | PresInputAll | ||
Input of nutrients – diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition | PresInputNut | |||
Input of organic matter – diffuse sources and point sources | PresInputOrg | |||
Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) – diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute events | PresInputCont | |||
Input of litter (solid waste matter, including micro-sized litter) | PresInputLitter | |||
Input of anthropogenic sound (impulsive, continuous) | PresInputSound | |||
Input of other forms of energy (including electromagnetic fields, light and heat) | PresInputOthEnergy | |||
Input of water – point sources (e.g. brine) | PresInputWater | |||
Pressure levels and impacts in marine environment | Biological | Newly-introduced non-indigenous species | PresEnvNISnew | |
Established non-indigenous species | PresEnvNISestablished | |||
Physical and hydrological | Hydrographical changes | PresEnvHydroChanges | ||
Substances, litter and energy | Eutrophication | PresEnvEutrophi | ||
Contaminants - non UPBT substances | PresEnvContNonUPBTs | |||
Contaminants - UPBT substances | PresEnvContUPBTs | |||
Contaminants – in seafood | PresEnvContSeafood | |||
Acute pollution events | PresEnvAcuPolluEvents | |||
Litter in the environment | PresEnvLitter | |||
Micro-litter in the environment | PresEnvLitterMicro | |||
Litter and micro-litter in species | PresEnvLitterSpp | |||
Impulsive sound in water | PresEnvSoundImpulsive | |||
Continuous low frequency sound | PresEnvSoundContinuous | |||
Uses and human activities in or affecting the marine environment (Table 2b) | All activities | ActivAll | ||
Physical restructuring of rivers, coastline or seabed (water management) | All activities related to physical restructuring of rivers, coastline or seabed | ActivRestrucAll | ||
Land claim | ActivRestrucLandClaim | |||
Canalisation and other watercourse modifications | ActivRestrucCanalisation | |||
Coastal defence and flood protection | ActivRestrucCoastDef | |||
Offshore structures (other than for oil/gas/renewables) | ActivRestrucOffshStruc | |||
Restructuring of seabed morphology, including dredging and depositing of materials | ActivRestrucSeabedMorph | |||
Extraction of non-living resources | All activities related to extraction of non-living resources | ActivExtrNonLivingAll | ||
Extraction of minerals (rock, metal ores, gravel, sand, shell) | ActivExtrNonLivingMinerals | |||
Extraction of oil and gas, including infrastructure | ActivExtrNonLivingOilGas | |||
Extraction of salt | ActivExtrNonLivingSalt | |||
Extraction of water | ActivExtrNonLivingWater | |||
Production of energy | All activities related to production of energy | ActivProdEnerAll | ||
Renewable energy generation (wind, wave and tidal power), including infrastructure | ActivProdEnerRenew | |||
Non-renewable energy generation | ActivProdEnerNonRenew | |||
Transmission of electricity and communications (cables) | ActivProdEnerCables | |||
Extraction of living resources | All activities related to extraction of living resources | ActivExtrLivingAll | ||
Fish and shellfish harvesting (professional, recreational) | ActivExtrLivingFishHarv | |||
Fish and shellfish processing | ActivExtrLivingFishProcess | |||
Marine plant harvesting | ActivExtrLivingPlantHarv | |||
Hunting and collecting for other purposes | ActivExtrLivingHunt | |||
Cultivation of living resources | All activities related to cultivation of living resources | ActivCultivAll | ||
Aquaculture – marine, including infrastructure | ActivCultivAquaculMarine | |||
Aquaculture – freshwater | ActivCultivAquaculFreshwa | |||
Agriculture | ActivCultivAgri | |||
Forestry | ActivCultivFores | |||
Transport | All activities related to transport | ActivTranspAll | ||
Transport infrastructure | ActivTranspInfras | |||
Transport – shipping | ActivTranspShip | |||
Transport – air | ActivTranspAir | |||
Transport – land | ActivTranspLand | |||
Urban and industrial uses | All urban and industrial uses | ActivUrbIndAll | ||
Urban uses | ActivUrbIndUrban | |||
Industrial uses | ActivUrbIndIndustrial | |||
Waste treatment and disposal | ActivUrbIndWaste | |||
Tourism and leisure | All activities related to tourism and leisure | ActivTourismAll | ||
Tourism and leisure infrastructure | ActivTourismInfras | |||
Tourism and leisure activities | ActivTourismActiv | |||
Security/defence | Military operations (subject to Article 2(2)) | ActivMilitary | ||
Education and research | Research, survey and educational activities | ActivResearch |
Elements_Enum Elements_Enum
CODE | Parameter label |
ABU | Abundance (number of individuals) |
ABU-REL | Relative abundance within community (of pelagic and benthic habitats) |
AGE-D | Age distribution |
AMO-B | Amount in biota (ingested) |
AMO-C | Amount on coastline |
AMO-SB | Amount on seabed |
AMO-WS | Amount on water surface |
BATH | Bathymetric depth |
BIOM | Biomass |
BIOM-SSB | Biomass of Spawning Stock (SSB) |
BREED | Breeding success |
CO2 | pCO² - alkalinity |
CONC-B | Concentration in biota (total) |
CONC-B-FA | Concentration in biota - fat |
CONC-B-LI | Concentration in biota - liver |
CONC-B-MU | Concentration in biota - muscle |
CONC-B-OT | Concentration in biota - other |
CONC-S | Concentration in sediment (total) |
CONC-S-20 | Concentration in sediment (fraction below 20 µm) |
CONC-S-2000 | Concentration in sediment (fraction below 2000 µm) |
CONC-S-63 | Concentration in sediment (fraction below 63 µm) |
CONC-S-OT | Concentration in sediment - other |
CONC-SM | Concentration in suspended matter |
CONC-W | Concentration in water |
DIST-DEPTH | Maximum depth |
DIST-P | Distribution (pattern) |
DIST-R | Distribution (range) |
DIST-S | Distribution (spatial) |
DUR | Duration |
EXT | Extent |
FEC | Fecundity (breeding rate) |
FRE | Frequency |
FRESH | Freshwater input rates from rivers |
HAB-STRUCT | Physical structure of habitat (e.g. sediment characteristics, topographic structure) |
HYDRO | Hydrological conditions of habitat |
INC | Incidence |
LEN | Length |
LEV-N | Level of sound |
MASS | Mass |
MOR/F | Mortality rate |
OTH | Other |
PH | pH |
PRE | Presence |
PROD | Productivity |
SAL | Salinity |
SEX-D | Sex distribution |
SIZE-D | Size distribution |
SPL | Underwater sound level |
SPP-C | Species composition |
SUR | Survival rate |
THICK-BLU | Blubber thickness |
TID | Tidal range/level |
TRA | Transparency of water |
TURB | Transparency / turbidity of water column |
VEL | Current velocity |
WAV | Wave action |
Code | Title |
HEL-001 | HELCOM Guidelines for the annual and periodical compilation and reporting of waterborne pollution inputs to the Baltic Sea (PLC-Water) |
HEL-002 | HELCOM Guideline for the determination of heavy metals in sediment |
HEL-003 | HELCOM Guideline on the determination of perfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS) in seawater |
HEL-004 | HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of dissolved oxygen |
HEL-005 | HELCOM Guidelines for determination of chlorinated hydrocarbons in sediment |
HEL-006 | HELCOM Guidelines for determination of PAH in sediment |
HEL-007 | HELCOM Guidelines for determination of POPs in seawater |
HEL-008 | HELCOM Guidelines for determination of salinity and temperature using CTD |
HEL-009 | HELCOM Guidelines for measuring chlorophyll a |
HEL-010 | HELCOM Guidelines for measuring Secchi depth |
HEL-011 | HELCOM Guidelines for measuring turbidity |
HEL-012 | HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring of mesozooplankton |
HEL-013 | HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring of non-indigenous species by eRAS |
HEL-014 | HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring of radioactive substances |
HEL-015 | HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring phytoplankton species composition, abundance and biomass |
HEL-016 | HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area |
HEL-017 | HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring reproductive status of seals in the HELCOM area |
HEL-018 | HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of ammonium |
HEL-019 | HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of hydrogen sulphide |
HEL-020 | HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of nitrate |
HEL-021 | HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of nitrite |
HEL-022 | HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of pH |
HEL-023 | HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of phosphate |
HEL-024 | HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of silicate |
HEL-025 | HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of total alkalinity |
HEL-026 | HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of total nitrogen |
HEL-027 | HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of total phosphorus |
HEL-028 | HELCOM Guidelines for management of dredged material at sea |
HEL-030 | HELCOM Guidelines for coastal fish monitoring |
HEL-031 | HELCOM Guidelines for coordinated monitoring of wintering birds |
HEL-032 | HELCOM Recommendations and guidelines for benthic habitat monitoring in the Baltic Sea |
HEL-034 | HELCOM Manual on co-operation in response to marine pollution |
HEL-036 | HELCOM Manual for monitoring in COMBINE programme |
OSP-001 | OSPAR Guidelines on Quality Assurance for Biological Monitoring in the OSPAR Area (Agreement 2002-15) |
OSP-002 | OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Marine Bird Abundance (B1) (Agreement 2016-09) |
OSP-003 | OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Marine Bird Breeding Success/Failure (B3) (Agreement 2016-10) |
OSP-004 | OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Seal Abundance and Distribution (M3) (Agreement 2016-11) |
OSP-005 | OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Grey Seal Pup Production (M5) (Agreement 2016-12) |
OSP-006 | OSPAR CEMP Guidelines Common Indicator: BH3 Extent of Physical damage to predominant and special habitats (Agreement 2017-09) |
OSP-007 | OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Changes to non-indigenous species communities (NIS3) (Agreement 2018-04) |
OSP-008 | OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Combined guideline for the common indicators FC1, FC2, FC3 and FW3 for fish and food webs (Agreement 2018-05) |
OSP-009 | OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common indicator: Condition of benthic habitat communities (BH2) – common approach (Agreement 2018-06) |
OSP-010 | OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator: PH1/FW5 Plankton lifeforms (Agreement 2018-07) |
OSP-011 | OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common indicator: Abundance at the relevant temporal scale of cetacean species regularly present (M4) – Interim version (Agreement 2018-09) |
OSP-012 | OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common indicator in Region IV: Change in average trophic level of marine predators (FW4) (Agreement 2018-08) |
OSP-013 | OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for the assessment of dumping and placement of waste or other matter at sea |
OSP-014 | OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for monitoring marine litter washed ashore and/or deposited on coastlines (beach litter) |
OSP-015 | OSPAR CEMP Guidelines on Litter on the Seafloor |
OSP-016 | OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for Monitoring and Assessment of loud, low and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in the OSPAR Maritime Region |
OSP-017 | OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme (CEMP) Guidelines for Monitoring and Assessment of plastic particles in stomachs of fulmars in the North Sea area |
OSP-018 | OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for Monitoring Contaminants in Sediments (Agreement 2002-16). Revision 2018 |
OSP-019 | OSPAR JAMP Guidelines for Monitoring Chemical Aspects of Ocean Acidification (Agreement 2014-03e) |
OSP-020 | OSPAR Revised JAMP Eutrophication Monitoring Guideline: Oxygen (Agreement 2013-05) (Replaces Agreement 1997-03) |
OSP-021 | OSPAR Revised JAMP Eutrophication Monitoring Guideline: Nutrients (Agreement 2013-04) (Replaces Agreement 1997-02) |
OSP-022 | OSPAR JAMP Eutrophication Monitoring Guidelines: Chlorophyll a in Water (Agreement 2012-11) (Replaces Agreement 1997-04) |
OSP-023 | OSPAR CEMP Eutrophication Monitoring Guidelines: Phytoplankton Species Composition (Agreement 2016-06) |
OSP-024 | OSPAR JAMP Eutrophication Monitoring Guidelines: Benthos (Agreement 2012-12) (Replaces Agreement 1997-06) |
OSP-025 | OSPAR JAMP Guidelines for General Biological Effects Monitoring. Revised technical annexes 2007 (Agreement 2007-07) |
OSP-026 | OSPAR JAMP Guidelines for Contaminant-Specific Biological Effects (Agreement 2008-09) (Replaces Agreement 2003-10) |
OSP-027 | OSPAR JAMP Guideline on the analysis of PFCs in Seawater (Agreement 2010-08) |
OSP-028 | OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for Monitoring Contaminants in Biota (Agreement 1999-02). Revision 2018 |
OSP-029 | OSPAR CEMP guidelines for coordinated monitoring for eutrophication, CAMP and RID (Agreement 2016-05), Revised in 2018 |
AMP-001 | AMAP Trends and Effects Monotoring Programme (ATEMP) |
WFD-007 | WFD Guidance document n.° 7 - Monitoring under the Water Framework Directive (monitoring framework) |
WFD-019 | WFD Guidance document n.° 19 - Monitoring under the Water Framework Directive (surface water chemical monitoring) |
WFD-025 | WFD Guidance document n.° 25 - Chemical Monitoring of Sediment and Biota |
WFD-032 | WFD Guidance document n.° 32 - Biota Monitoring |
WFD-033 | WFD Guidance document n.° 33 - Analytical Methods for Biota Monitoring |
CWS-001 | Wadden Sea - Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme Handbook |
BC-001 | UNEP/MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Guidance (2016) |
BSC-001 | Black Sea: Guidelines for Quality Control of Biological Data – Phytoplankton (link not working) |
BSC-002 | Black Sea: Manual for Phytoplankton Sampling and Analysis in the Black Sea (link not working) |
BSC-003 | Black Sea: Manual for Quantitative Sampling and Sample Treatment of Marine Soft-Bottom Macrozoobenthos (link not working) |
CFP-001 | International bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean Manual (Version 9) |
CFP-002 | Common protocol for the Pan-Mediterranean Acoustic Survey (MEDIAS) (v. 2017) |
CFP-003 | SISP 6 - Manual for mackerel and horse mackerel egg surveys, sampling at sea |
CFP-004 | SISP 15 - Manual of the IBTS North Eastern Atlantic Surveys |
CFP-005 | SISP 7 - BITS Manual for the Baltic International Trawl Surveys |
CFP-006 | SISP 8 - IBAS Manual for the International Baltic Acoustic Surveys |
CFP-007 | SISP 10 - Manual for the International Bottom Trawl Surveys, Revision IX |
CFP-008 | SISP 9 Manual for International Pelagic Surveys (IPS) - Version 1.00 |
BWD-001 | Bathing Water Profiles: Best Practice and Guidance (2009) |
UWW-001 | Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive: Annex 1 |
NFC-001 | NEAFC: Recording of Catch and Fishing Effort |
NFC-002 | NEAFC: Vessel Monitoring System |
BON-001 | Bonn Agreement Aerial Operations Handbook, 2009 |
ICC-001 | ICCAT Manual: Data for Assessment and Research |
OTH | Other monitoring method |
Code | Description | Legislation or Convention |
AC-AMAP | Arctic Council Monitoring and Assessment Programme | Arctic Council |
BC-IMAP | UNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme | Barcelona Convention |
BONN | Bonn Aerial surveillance for prevention of pollution | Bonn agreement |
BS-IMAP | BSC Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Programme | Bucharest Convention |
CWS-MAP | Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP) | Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation |
EU-BD | Birds Directive | European Commission |
EU-BWD | Bathing Water Directive | European Commission |
EU-FSR | Foodstuffs Regulation | European Commission |
EU-HD | Habitats Directive | European Commission |
EU-IASR | Invasive Alien Species Regulation | European Commission |
EU-MAP | Multi Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy) | European Commission |
EU-MSP | Maritime Spatial Planning Directive | European Commission |
EU-ND | Nitrates Directive | European Commission |
EU-NEC | National Emission Ceilings Directive | European Commission |
EU-SEV | Seveso Directive | European Commission |
EU-UWWD | Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive | European Commission |
EU-WFD | Water Framework Directive | European Commission |
EU-WaFD | Waste Framework Directive | European Commission |
GFCM | General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean | GFCM |
HEL-MON | HELCOM Monitoring programmes | HELCOM |
ICCAT | International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas | ICCAT |
NEAFC | NEAFC Monitoring of Fisheries | NEAFC |
OSP-CEMP | OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme | OSPAR |
National | Monitoring programme targeting at national legislation | National |
Code | Name |
6-yearly | Every 6 years |
3-yearly | Every 3 years |
2-yearly | Every 2 years |
Yearly | Yearly |
6-monthly | 6-monthly |
3-monthly | 3-monthly |
Monthly | Monthly |
2-weekly | 2-weekly |
Weekly | Weekly |
Daily | Daily |
Hourly | Hourly |
Continually | Continually |
One-off | One-off |
As needed | As needed |
Other | Other (specify) |
Unknown | Unknown |