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European Commission enumeration tables

To migrate the CEMP appendices into an EC Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Article 11 compatible format, fields of information were converted and validated in line with the new EC guidance and enumeration tables.

Presented are the enumeration tables to provide easy access to the information.


CodeLabel: Country name
CZCzech Republic
RURussian Federation
UKUnited Kingdom



GEScomponentCodeLabel: Descriptor or criterion
DescriptorD1D1 Biodiversity
DescriptorD1D1 Biodiversity - birds
DescriptorD1D1 Biodiversity - cephalopods
DescriptorD1D1 Biodiversity - fish
DescriptorD1D1 Biodiversity - mammals
DescriptorD1D1 Biodiversity - reptiles
DescriptorD1D1 Biodiversity – pelagic habitats
DescriptorD2D2 Non-indigenous species
DescriptorD3D3 Commercial fish and shellfish
DescriptorD4/D1D4 Food webs/D1 Biodiversity - ecosystems
DescriptorD5D5 Eutrophication
DescriptorD6/D1D6 Sea-floor integrity/D1 Biodiversity - benthic habitats
DescriptorD7D7 Hydrographical changes
DescriptorD8D8 Contaminants
DescriptorD9D9 Contaminants in seafood
DescriptorD10D10 Litter
DescriptorD11D11 Energy, including underwater noise
CriterionD1C1D1C1 Mortality rate from incidental by-catch
CriterionD1C2D1C2 Population abundance
CriterionD1C3D1C3 Population demographic characteristics
CriterionD1C4D1C4 Population distributional range and pattern
CriterionD1C5D1C5 Habitat for the species
CriterionD1C6D1C6 Pelagic habitat condition
CriterionD2C1D2C1 Newly-introduced NIS
CriterionD2C2D2C2 Established NIS
CriterionD2C3D2C3 Adverse effects of NIS
CriterionD3C1D3C1 Fishing mortality rate (F)
CriterionD3C2D3C2 Spawning stock biomass (SSB)
CriterionD3C3D3C3 Population age/size distribution
CriterionD4C1D4C1 Trophic guild species diversity
CriterionD4C2D4C2 Abundance across trophic guilds
CriterionD4C3D4C3 Trophic guild size distribution
CriterionD4C4D4C4 Trophic guild productivity
CriterionD5C1D5C1 Nutrient concentrations
CriterionD5C2D5C2 Chlorophyll-a concentration
CriterionD5C3D5C3 Harmful algal blooms
CriterionD5C4D5C4 Photic limit
CriterionD5C5D5C5 Dissolved oxygen concentration
CriterionD5C6D5C6 Opportunistic macroalgae of benthic habitats
CriterionD5C7D5C7 Macrophyte communities of benthic habitats
CriterionD5C8D5C8 Macrofaunal communities of benthic habitats
CriterionD6C1D6C1 Physical loss of the seabed
CriterionD6C2D6C2 Physical disturbance to the seabed
CriterionD6C3D6C3 Adverse effects from physical disturbance
CriterionD6C4D6C4 Benthic habitat extent
CriterionD6C5D6C5 Benthic habitat condition
CriterionD7C1D7C1 Alteration of hydrographical conditions
CriterionD7C2D7C2 Adverse effects from alteration of hydrographical conditions
CriterionD8C1D8C1 Contaminant in environment
CriterionD8C2D8C2 Adverse effects of contaminants
CriterionD8C3D8C3 Acute pollution events
CriterionD8C4D8C4 Adverse effects of acute pollution events
CriterionD9C1D9C1 Contaminants in seafood
CriterionD10C1D10C1 Litter (excluding micro-litter)
CriterionD10C2D10C2 Micro-litter
CriterionD10C3D10C3 Litter ingested
CriterionD10C4D10C4 Adverse effects of litter
CriterionD11C1D11C1 Anthropogenic impulsive sound
CriterionD11C2D11C2 Anthropogenic continuous low-frequency sound
 NotRelevantGES component not relevant



Subject (Annex III table)ThemeSub-themeLabel: Features and elementsCode
Structure, functions and processes of marine ecosystems (Table 1) All marine ecosystem elementsEcosysElemAll
Species All marine speciesSppAll
BirdsAll birdsBirdsAll
Grazing birdsBirdsGrazing
Wading birdsBirdsWading
Surface-feeding birdsBirdsSurfaceFeeding
Pelagic-feeding birdsBirdsPelagicFeeding
Benthic-feeding birdsBirdsBenthicFeeding
MammalsAll mammalsMamAll
Small toothed cetaceansMamCetacSmall
Deep-diving toothed cetaceansMamCetacDeepDiving
Baleen whalesMamCetacBaleenWhales
FishAll fishFishAll
Coastal fishFishCoastal
Pelagic shelf fishFishPelagicShelf
Demersal shelf fishFishDemersalShelf
Deep-sea fishFishDeepSea
Commercially exploited fish and shellfishFishCommercial
CephalopodsAll cephalopodsCephaAll
Coastal/shelf cephalopodsCephaCoastShelf
Deep-sea cephalopodsCephaDeepSea
Habitats All habitatsHabAll
Benthic habitatsBenthic habitatsHabBenAll
Benthic broad habitatsHabBenBHT
Littoral rock and biogenic reefHabBenLitRock
Littoral sedimentHabBenLitSed
Infralittoral rock and biogenic reefHabBenInfralitRock
Infralittoral coarse sedimentHabBenInfralitCoarSed
Infralittoral mixed sedimentHabBenInfralitMxdSed
Infralittoral sandHabBenInfralitSand
Infralittoral mudHabBenInfralitMud
Circalittoral rock and biogenic reefHabBenCircalitRock
Circalittoral coarse sedimentHabBenCircalitCoarSed
Circalittoral mixed sedimentHabBenCircalitMxdSed
Circalittoral sandHabBenCircalitSand
Circalittoral mudHabBenCircalitMud
Offshore circalittoral rock and biogenic reefHabBenOffshRock
Offshore circalittoral coarse sedimentHabBenOffshCoarSed
Offshore circalittoral mixed sedimentHabBenOffshMxdSed
Offshore circalittoral sandHabBenOffshSand
Offshore circalittoral mudHabBenOffshMud
Upper bathyal rock and biogenic reefHabBenBathyalUpRock
Upper bathyal sedimentHabBenBathyalUpSed
Lower bathyal rock and biogenic reefHabBenBathyalLowRock
Lower bathyal sedimentHabBenBathyalLowSed
Other benthic habitatsHabBenOther
Pelagic habitatsPelagic habitatsHabPelagAll
Pelagic broad habitatsHabPelBHT
Variable salinityHabPelagVarSalinity
Oceanic/beyond shelfHabPelagOcean
Other pelagic habitatsHabPelagOther
Other habitat typesHabOther
Ecosystems, including food websPhysical and hydrological characteristicsAll physical and hydrological characteristicsPhyHydroCharacAll
Wave regimeWaves
Current regimeCurrents
Residence timeResidenceTime
Freshwater inputFreshwaterInput
Sea levelSeaLevel
Turbidity (silt/sediment loads)Turbidity
Seabed substrate and morphologySubstrateMorphology
Chemical characteristicsAll chemical characteristicsChemCharacAll
Nutrients (N, P)Nutrients
Organic carbonOrganicCarbon
Dissolved carbon dioxide (pCO2)pCO2
Dissolved oxygenOxygen
Trophic guildsAll trophic guildsTrophicGuildsAll
Primary producersTrophicGuildsPrimProd
Secondary producersTrophicGuildsSecProd
Sub-apex pelagic predatorsTrophicGuildsPredSApexPel
Sub-apex demersal predatorsTrophicGuildsPredSApexDem
Apex predatorsTrophicGuildsPredApex
EcosystemsEcosystem, including food websEcosystemFoodWeb
Coastal ecosystemEcosysCoastal
Shelf ecosystemEcosysShelf
Oceanic/deep-sea ecosystemEcosysOceanic
Anthropogenic pressures on the marine environment (Table 2a) All pressuresPresAll
BiologicalAll biological pressuresPresBioAll
Input or spread of non-indigenous speciesPresBioIntroNIS
Input of microbial pathogensPresBioIntroMicroPath
Input of genetically modified species and translocation of native speciesPresBioIntroGenModSpp
Loss of, or change to, natural biological communities due to cultivation of animal or plant speciesPresBioCultHab
Disturbance of species (e.g. where they breed, rest and feed) due to human presencePresBioDisturbSpp
Extraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)PresBioExtractSpp
PhysicalExtraction of, or mortality/injury to, wild species (by commercial and recreational fishing and other activities)PresPhyAll
Physical disturbance to seabedPresPhyDisturbSeabed
Physical loss of the seabedPresPhyLoss
Changes to hydrological conditionsPresPhyHydroCond
Substances, litter and energyAll pressures related to inputs of substances, litter and energyPresInputAll
Input of nutrients – diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric depositionPresInputNut
Input of organic matter – diffuse sources and point sourcesPresInputOrg
Input of other substances (e.g. synthetic substances, non-synthetic substances, radionuclides) – diffuse sources, point sources, atmospheric deposition, acute eventsPresInputCont
Input of litter (solid waste matter, including micro-sized litter)PresInputLitter
Input of anthropogenic sound (impulsive, continuous)PresInputSound
Input of other forms of energy (including electromagnetic fields, light and heat)PresInputOthEnergy
Input of water – point sources (e.g. brine)PresInputWater
Pressure levels and impacts in marine environmentBiologicalNewly-introduced non-indigenous speciesPresEnvNISnew
Established non-indigenous speciesPresEnvNISestablished
Physical and hydrologicalHydrographical changesPresEnvHydroChanges
Substances, litter and energyEutrophicationPresEnvEutrophi
Contaminants - non UPBT substancesPresEnvContNonUPBTs
Contaminants - UPBT substancesPresEnvContUPBTs
Contaminants – in seafoodPresEnvContSeafood
Acute pollution eventsPresEnvAcuPolluEvents
Litter in the environmentPresEnvLitter
Micro-litter in the environmentPresEnvLitterMicro
Litter and micro-litter in speciesPresEnvLitterSpp
Impulsive sound in waterPresEnvSoundImpulsive
Continuous low frequency soundPresEnvSoundContinuous
Uses and human activities in or affecting the marine environment (Table 2b) All activitiesActivAll
Physical restructuring of rivers, coastline or seabed (water management)All activities related to physical restructuring of rivers, coastline or seabedActivRestrucAll
Land claimActivRestrucLandClaim
Canalisation and other watercourse modificationsActivRestrucCanalisation
Coastal defence and flood protectionActivRestrucCoastDef
Offshore structures (other than for oil/gas/renewables)ActivRestrucOffshStruc
Restructuring of seabed morphology, including dredging and depositing of materialsActivRestrucSeabedMorph
Extraction of non-living resourcesAll activities related to extraction of non-living resourcesActivExtrNonLivingAll
Extraction of minerals (rock, metal ores, gravel, sand, shell)ActivExtrNonLivingMinerals
Extraction of oil and gas, including infrastructureActivExtrNonLivingOilGas
Extraction of saltActivExtrNonLivingSalt
Extraction of waterActivExtrNonLivingWater
Production of energyAll activities related to production of energyActivProdEnerAll
Renewable energy generation (wind, wave and tidal power), including infrastructureActivProdEnerRenew
Non-renewable energy generationActivProdEnerNonRenew
Transmission of electricity and communications (cables)ActivProdEnerCables
Extraction of living resourcesAll activities related to extraction of living resourcesActivExtrLivingAll
Fish and shellfish harvesting (professional, recreational)ActivExtrLivingFishHarv
Fish and shellfish processingActivExtrLivingFishProcess
Marine plant harvestingActivExtrLivingPlantHarv
Hunting and collecting for other purposesActivExtrLivingHunt
Cultivation of living resourcesAll activities related to cultivation of living resourcesActivCultivAll
Aquaculture – marine, including infrastructureActivCultivAquaculMarine
Aquaculture – freshwaterActivCultivAquaculFreshwa
TransportAll activities related to transportActivTranspAll
Transport infrastructureActivTranspInfras
Transport – shippingActivTranspShip
Transport – airActivTranspAir
Transport – landActivTranspLand
Urban and industrial usesAll urban and industrial usesActivUrbIndAll
Urban usesActivUrbIndUrban
Industrial usesActivUrbIndIndustrial
Waste treatment and disposalActivUrbIndWaste
Tourism and leisureAll activities related to tourism and leisureActivTourismAll
Tourism and leisure infrastructureActivTourismInfras
Tourism and leisure activitiesActivTourismActiv
Security/defenceMilitary operations (subject to Article 2(2))ActivMilitary
Education and researchResearch, survey and educational activitiesActivResearch


CODEParameter label
ABUAbundance (number of individuals)
ABU-RELRelative abundance within community (of pelagic and benthic habitats)
AGE-DAge distribution
AMO-BAmount in biota (ingested)
AMO-CAmount on coastline
AMO-SBAmount on seabed
AMO-WSAmount on water surface
BATHBathymetric depth
BIOM-SSBBiomass of Spawning Stock (SSB)
BREEDBreeding success
CO2pCO² - alkalinity
CONC-BConcentration in biota (total)
CONC-B-FAConcentration in biota - fat
CONC-B-LIConcentration in biota - liver
CONC-B-MUConcentration in biota - muscle
CONC-B-OTConcentration in biota - other
CONC-SConcentration in sediment (total)
CONC-S-20Concentration in sediment (fraction below 20 µm)
CONC-S-2000Concentration in sediment (fraction below 2000 µm)
CONC-S-63Concentration in sediment (fraction below 63 µm)
CONC-S-OTConcentration in sediment - other
CONC-SMConcentration in suspended matter
CONC-WConcentration in water
DIST-DEPTHMaximum depth
DIST-PDistribution (pattern)
DIST-RDistribution (range)
DIST-SDistribution (spatial)
FECFecundity (breeding rate)
FRESHFreshwater input rates from rivers
HAB-STRUCTPhysical structure of habitat (e.g. sediment characteristics, topographic structure)
HYDROHydrological conditions of habitat
LEV-NLevel of sound
MOR/FMortality rate
SEX-DSex distribution
SIZE-DSize distribution
SPLUnderwater sound level
SPP-CSpecies composition
SURSurvival rate
THICK-BLUBlubber thickness
TIDTidal range/level
TRATransparency of water
TURBTransparency / turbidity of water column
VELCurrent velocity
WAVWave action



HEL-001HELCOM Guidelines for the annual and periodical compilation and reporting of waterborne pollution inputs to the Baltic Sea (PLC-Water)
HEL-002HELCOM Guideline for the determination of heavy metals in sediment
HEL-003HELCOM Guideline on the determination of perfluoroalkylated substances (PFAS) in seawater
HEL-004HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of dissolved oxygen
HEL-005HELCOM Guidelines for determination of chlorinated hydrocarbons in sediment
HEL-006HELCOM Guidelines for determination of PAH in sediment
HEL-007HELCOM Guidelines for determination of POPs in seawater
HEL-008HELCOM Guidelines for determination of salinity and temperature using CTD
HEL-009HELCOM Guidelines for measuring chlorophyll a
HEL-010HELCOM Guidelines for measuring Secchi depth
HEL-011HELCOM Guidelines for measuring turbidity
HEL-012HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring of mesozooplankton
HEL-013HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring of non-indigenous species by eRAS
HEL-014HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring of radioactive substances
HEL-015HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring phytoplankton species composition, abundance and biomass
HEL-016HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring seal abundance and distribution in the HELCOM area
HEL-017HELCOM Guidelines for monitoring reproductive status of seals in the HELCOM area
HEL-018HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of ammonium
HEL-019HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of hydrogen sulphide
HEL-020HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of nitrate
HEL-021HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of nitrite
HEL-022HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of pH
HEL-023HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of phosphate
HEL-024HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of silicate
HEL-025HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of total alkalinity
HEL-026HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of total nitrogen
HEL-027HELCOM Guidelines for sampling and determination of total phosphorus
HEL-028HELCOM Guidelines for management of dredged material at sea
HEL-030HELCOM Guidelines for coastal fish monitoring
HEL-031HELCOM Guidelines for coordinated monitoring of wintering birds
HEL-032HELCOM Recommendations and guidelines for benthic habitat monitoring in the Baltic Sea
HEL-034HELCOM Manual on co-operation in response to marine pollution
HEL-036HELCOM Manual for monitoring in COMBINE programme
OSP-001OSPAR Guidelines on Quality Assurance for Biological Monitoring in the OSPAR Area (Agreement 2002-15)
OSP-002OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Marine Bird Abundance (B1) (Agreement 2016-09)
OSP-003OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Marine Bird Breeding Success/Failure (B3) (Agreement 2016-10)
OSP-004OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Seal Abundance and Distribution (M3) (Agreement 2016-11)
OSP-005OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Grey Seal Pup Production (M5) (Agreement 2016-12)
OSP-006OSPAR CEMP Guidelines Common Indicator: BH3 Extent of Physical damage to predominant and special habitats (Agreement 2017-09)
OSP-007OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator - Changes to non-indigenous species communities (NIS3) (Agreement 2018-04)
OSP-008OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Combined guideline for the common indicators FC1, FC2, FC3 and FW3 for fish and food webs (Agreement 2018-05)
OSP-009OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common indicator: Condition of benthic habitat communities (BH2) – common approach (Agreement 2018-06)
OSP-010OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common Indicator: PH1/FW5 Plankton lifeforms (Agreement 2018-07)
OSP-011OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common indicator: Abundance at the relevant temporal scale of cetacean species regularly present (M4) – Interim version (Agreement 2018-09)
OSP-012OSPAR CEMP Guideline: Common indicator in Region IV: Change in average trophic level of marine predators (FW4) (Agreement 2018-08)
OSP-013OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for the assessment of dumping and placement of waste or other matter at sea
OSP-014OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for monitoring marine litter washed ashore and/or deposited on coastlines (beach litter)
OSP-015OSPAR CEMP Guidelines on Litter on the Seafloor
OSP-016OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for Monitoring and Assessment of loud, low and mid-frequency impulsive sound sources in the OSPAR Maritime Region
OSP-017OSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring Programme (CEMP) Guidelines for Monitoring and Assessment of plastic particles in stomachs of fulmars in the North Sea area
OSP-018OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for Monitoring Contaminants in Sediments (Agreement 2002-16). Revision 2018
OSP-019OSPAR JAMP Guidelines for Monitoring Chemical Aspects of Ocean Acidification (Agreement 2014-03e)
OSP-020OSPAR Revised JAMP Eutrophication Monitoring Guideline: Oxygen (Agreement 2013-05) (Replaces Agreement 1997-03)
OSP-021OSPAR Revised JAMP Eutrophication Monitoring Guideline: Nutrients (Agreement 2013-04) (Replaces Agreement 1997-02)
OSP-022OSPAR JAMP Eutrophication Monitoring Guidelines: Chlorophyll a in Water (Agreement 2012-11) (Replaces Agreement 1997-04)
OSP-023OSPAR CEMP Eutrophication Monitoring Guidelines: Phytoplankton Species Composition (Agreement 2016-06)
OSP-024OSPAR JAMP Eutrophication Monitoring Guidelines: Benthos (Agreement 2012-12) (Replaces Agreement 1997-06)
OSP-025OSPAR JAMP Guidelines for General Biological Effects Monitoring. Revised technical annexes 2007 (Agreement 2007-07)
OSP-026OSPAR JAMP Guidelines for Contaminant-Specific Biological Effects (Agreement 2008-09) (Replaces Agreement 2003-10)
OSP-027OSPAR JAMP Guideline on the analysis of PFCs in Seawater (Agreement 2010-08)
OSP-028OSPAR CEMP Guidelines for Monitoring Contaminants in Biota (Agreement 1999-02). Revision 2018
OSP-029OSPAR CEMP guidelines for coordinated monitoring for eutrophication, CAMP and RID (Agreement 2016-05), Revised in 2018
AMP-001AMAP Trends and Effects Monotoring Programme (ATEMP)
WFD-007WFD Guidance document n.° 7 - Monitoring under the Water Framework Directive (monitoring framework)
WFD-019WFD Guidance document n.° 19 - Monitoring under the Water Framework Directive (surface water chemical monitoring)
WFD-025WFD Guidance document n.° 25 - Chemical Monitoring of Sediment and Biota
WFD-032WFD Guidance document n.° 32 - Biota Monitoring
WFD-033WFD Guidance document n.° 33 - Analytical Methods for Biota Monitoring
CWS-001Wadden Sea - Trilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme Handbook
BC-001UNEP/MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment Guidance (2016)
BSC-001Black Sea: Guidelines for Quality Control of Biological Data – Phytoplankton (link not working)
BSC-002Black Sea: Manual for Phytoplankton Sampling and Analysis in the Black Sea (link not working)
BSC-003Black Sea: Manual for Quantitative Sampling and Sample Treatment of Marine Soft-Bottom Macrozoobenthos (link not working)
CFP-001International bottom trawl survey in the Mediterranean Manual (Version 9)
CFP-002Common protocol for the Pan-Mediterranean Acoustic Survey (MEDIAS) (v. 2017)
CFP-003SISP 6 - Manual for mackerel and horse mackerel egg surveys, sampling at sea
CFP-004SISP 15 - Manual of the IBTS North Eastern Atlantic Surveys
CFP-005SISP 7 - BITS Manual for the Baltic International Trawl Surveys
CFP-006SISP 8 - IBAS Manual for the International Baltic Acoustic Surveys
CFP-007SISP 10 - Manual for the International Bottom Trawl Surveys, Revision IX
CFP-008SISP 9 Manual for International Pelagic Surveys (IPS) - Version 1.00
BWD-001Bathing Water Profiles: Best Practice and Guidance (2009)
UWW-001Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive: Annex 1
NFC-001NEAFC: Recording of Catch and Fishing Effort
NFC-002NEAFC: Vessel Monitoring System
BON-001Bonn Agreement Aerial Operations Handbook, 2009
ICC-001ICCAT Manual: Data for Assessment and Research
OTHOther monitoring method



CodeDescriptionLegislation or Convention
AC-AMAPArctic Council Monitoring and Assessment ProgrammeArctic Council
BC-IMAPUNEP-MAP Integrated Monitoring and Assessment ProgrammeBarcelona Convention
BONNBonn Aerial surveillance for prevention of pollutionBonn agreement
BS-IMAPBSC Integrated Monitoring and Assessment ProgrammeBucharest Convention
CWS-MAPTrilateral Monitoring and Assessment Programme (TMAP)Trilateral Wadden Sea Cooperation
EU-BDBirds DirectiveEuropean Commission
EU-BWDBathing Water DirectiveEuropean Commission
EU-FSRFoodstuffs RegulationEuropean Commission
EU-HDHabitats DirectiveEuropean Commission
EU-IASRInvasive Alien Species RegulationEuropean Commission
EU-MAPMulti Annual Plan (Common Fisheries Policy)European Commission
EU-MSPMaritime Spatial Planning DirectiveEuropean Commission
EU-NDNitrates DirectiveEuropean Commission
EU-NECNational Emission Ceilings DirectiveEuropean Commission
EU-SEVSeveso DirectiveEuropean Commission
EU-UWWDUrban Waste Water Treatment DirectiveEuropean Commission
EU-WFDWater Framework DirectiveEuropean Commission
EU-WaFDWaste Framework DirectiveEuropean Commission
GFCMGeneral Fisheries Commission for the MediterraneanGFCM
HEL-MONHELCOM Monitoring programmesHELCOM
ICCATInternational Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic TunasICCAT
NEAFCNEAFC Monitoring of FisheriesNEAFC
OSP-CEMPOSPAR Coordinated Environmental Monitoring ProgrammeOSPAR
NationalMonitoring programme targeting at national legislationNational



6-yearlyEvery 6 years
3-yearlyEvery 3 years
2-yearlyEvery 2 years
As neededAs needed
OtherOther (specify)