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BE4 - Impulsive noise

FieldDescriptionValidated Entry
[Table title]Name of monitoring programmeImpulsive noise
[ProgrammeDescription]Description of the monitoring programmeThe programme enables the spatial and temporal distribution of anthropogenic impulsive sound activity (and trends in this activity) to be quantified. Contracting Parties report data for a given year from national impulsive noise registries to the OSPAR Impulsive Noise Registry not later than the 1st of October of the following year. The reporting format and associated XML schema required by the INR are provided by ICES. The INR collects data on impulsive noise activity meeting the criteria for inclusion (OSPAR, 2014). These criteria include sound source level thresholds above which it is considered that anthropogenic sound may have harmful effects on marine fauna (see Agreement 2014-08 for specific threshold criteria). The data recorded include the type of activity (seismic survey; pile driving; explosion; sonar; acoustic deterrent device), location of each activity (as a single point or polygon area ), and the days on which the activity occurred. These basic data enable the computation of the Indicator, whose unit of measurement is Pulse Block Days (PBDs). PBDs record the number of days and their distribution within a calendar year that anthropogenic impulsive activity (meeting the criteria) occurred, within a defined spatial unit. For the Common Indicator, this spatial unit is the ICES statistical sub-rectangle. Additionally, Contracting Parties may opt to record more detailed information on the activity (e.g. estimated sound source level) and any source mitigation methods (e.g. the use of a bubble curtain) which were applied. These additional parameters are specified in the ICES Reporting Format (see below for further details;
[OtherPoliciesConventions]Monitoring for other Union legislation or international agreements that contributes to the programme.OSP-CEMP
[Contracting Parties monitoring]

Which other countries are involved in practical implementation of this monitoring programme, and what is the degree of cooperation.

Coordinated data collection


[Contracting Parties supplying data] SE, DK, DE, NL, BE, FR, UK, IE, ES
[Contracting Parties with an "opt out"]  
[Temporal scope]Start (and end) date of the programme.2015 - 9999
[Spatial scope]Spatial coverage of the programme according to the jurisdictional zones of marine waters.EEZ (or similar, e.g. Contiguous Zone, Fishing Zone, Ecological Protection Zone)
[Aggregation of Data]At which scale can the data from the sub-programme be aggregated for environmental assessments?Subregion, Region
[MarineReportingUnit]Area(s) where the programme takes place.marineSubregion

[Monitoring Purpose]

Purpose of the programme aimed at collecting data and information.Pressures in the marine environment
[MonitoringType]Type of monitoring (in-situ, remote sensing, etc.).Other
[Indicator Metric]Feature(s) monitored (ecosystem components, pressures, activities).Sound
[Elements]Element(s) monitored (e.g. species, habitats, contaminants).NotApplicable
[Element Monitored] Underwater noise
[Parameter Measured]Parameter(s) monitored.SPL
[Monitoring Guidelines/Monitoring Method in place]Guidelines/protocols describing the method for monitoring.OSP-016
[MonitoringMethodOther]Guidelines/protocols describing the method for monitoring. 
[Quality Assurance Procedures in Place]In addition to a specified method, is there any additional Quality Assurance used?National
[Quality Control]What type of Quality Control is used?DelayedValidation
[Data submission Frequency (and deadline)]Frequency of the monitoringYearly
[Applicable MSFD GES Criteria]Indicator(s) to which the programme contributes.D11C1
[Data Depository]Link to where monitoring data can be accessed (Art. 19(3)
[Data Custodian] ICES
[Assessment Guidelines]
[Assessment tools available]  
[Nature of data] Unprocessed
BE4 - Impulsive noise