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BB11 - Plankton biomass and/or abundance (PH2)

FieldDescriptionValidated Entry
[Table title]Name of monitoring programmePlankton biomass and/or abundance (PH2)
[ProgrammeDescription]Description of the monitoring programmeMonitoring programmes for chlorophyll a concentrations (used as a proxy for phytoplankton biomass estimation) are currently held by Contractiong Parties mainly in sub-surface waters and mainly in coastal waters, in connection with Eutrophication requirements, at a weekly to monthly frequence, in selected areas. Water column or at least surface-bottom and sometimes sub-surface or deep chlorophyll maximum (or water column integration) are carried out in some selected areas and within regular or dedicated plankton cruises on a seasonal basis (or only once a year). Other source of data concerns remote sensing water column product "chlorophyll a" for extended offshore waters. Moreover, high-frequency data could be used by calibrating in vivo fluorometry data for estimating chlorophyll a (after quality control and NPQ correction). The use of the "phytoplankton Colour Index" from the Continuous Planktron Recording is also an alternative for benefitting from these long-term transects in many OSPAR regions. When considering zooplankton abundance data (copepods), the CPR lines are the main monitoring programme across many OSPAR regions in sub-surface waters only). Some zooplankton monitoring (integrating the whole water column) is being carried out by local or national monitoring networks on selected stations.
[OtherPoliciesConventions]Monitoring for other Union legislation or international agreements that contributes to the programme.OSP-CEMP
[Contracting Parties monitoring]

Which other countries are involved in practical implementation of this monitoring programme, and what is the degree of cooperation.

Agreed data collection methods
[Contracting Parties supplying data] DK, FR, SE, UK
[Contracting Parties with an "opt out"]  
[Temporal scope]Start (and end) date of the programme.1958 - 9999
[Spatial scope]Spatial coverage of the programme according to the jurisdictional zones of marine waters.Territorial waters
EEZ (or similar, e.g. Contiguous Zone, Fishing Zone, Ecological Protection Zone)
Continental shelf (beyond EEZ)
Beyond MS Marine Waters
[Aggregation of Data]At which scale can the data from the sub-programme be aggregated for environmental assessments?By subregion
[MarineReportingUnit]Area(s) where the programme takes place.marineSubregion

[Monitoring Purpose]

Purpose of the programme aimed at collecting data and information.Environmental state and impacts
[MonitoringType]Type of monitoring (in-situ, remote sensing, etc.).in-situ sampling coastal
in-situ sampling offshore
remote satellite imagery
[Indicator Metric]Feature(s) monitored (ecosystem components, pressures, activities).SppAll
[Elements]Element(s) monitored (e.g. species, habitats, contaminants).Zooplankton communities
Phytoplankton communities
[Element Monitored] Biological feature: A description of the production of the key biological species within the plankton community.
Total phytonplankton biomass and major zooplankton (copepod) abundance
[Parameter Measured]Parameter(s) monitored.ABU
[Monitoring Guidelines/Monitoring Method in place]Guidelines/protocols describing the method for monitoring.OTH
[MonitoringMethodOther]Guidelines/protocols describing the method for monitoring.Use of existing monitoring programme, which employ various sampling and analysis methodologies
[Quality Assurance Procedures in Place]In addition to a specified method, is there any additional Quality Assurance used?CPR time-series has strict internal QA/QC procedures as well as BEUALM accreditation.  Fixed stations partly have QA/QC as well as intercallibrations
[Quality Control]What type of Quality Control is used?CPR time-series has strict internal QA/QC procedures as well as BEUALM accreditation.  Fixed stations partly have QA/QC as well as intercallibrations
[Data submission Frequency (and deadline)]Frequency of the monitoringMonthly
[Applicable MSFD GES Criteria]Indicator(s) to which the programme contributes.D1C6
[Data Depository]Link to where monitoring data can be accessed (Art. 19(3)
[Data Custodian] Marine Biological Association / SOMLIT / REPHY
[Assessment Guidelines]  
[Assessment tools available]  
[Nature of data]  
BB11 - Plankton biomass and or abundance (PH2)