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Discharges, Spills and Emissions from Offshore Oil and Gas Installations in 2016

Data are available on ODIMS via:

Executive Summary

Regular reporting is required in order to review progress in implementing the North‐East Atlantic Environment Strategy and OSPAR measures (decisions, recommendations and other agreements) related to offshore oil and gas activities.

This report presents the discharges, spills and emissions from offshore installations in 2016. Part A of the report compiles data on the number of installations with emissions and discharges, discharges of produced water and displacement water contaminated with oil, and the use and discharge of drilling fluids, cuttings and chemicals. It also reports on accidental spills of oil and chemicals and emissions to air. Part B of the report presents the discharges and emissions over the period 2006‐2016 to show the trends in discharges and emissions and use of chemicals.

Full Report